Advertising & Rates

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News is a catering and hospitality trade-only publication, distributed by direct mail to independent proprietor-led hotels, pubs, bars and restaurants throughout England and Wales. CLH News is addressed to the person who has the purchasing authority within each establishment giving you the best possible opportunity to promote your products and services.

There are considerable business advantages in advertising with CLH News. One of which being cost, we endeavour to keep advertising costs as low as possible to ensure we can be a cost effective marketplace for yourself. Also our distribution and target audience are an ideal combination to ensure the best possible promotional opportunity for you and your company’s products.


Advertising & Insert Rates


Technical Specifications

If you would like to know the current advertising rates for placing a promotional advert or to include an insert within CLH News please click here CLH News includes a number of regular editorial features to target your advertising and ensure the best possible response from our readers. Please click here. We can cater for a varied range of media file types including hardcopy. We have provide a definite set of media file types we accept…click here for detailed info

Additional Advertising Services
We also offer an in house design service which we provide free of charge for those companies who do not have large advertising budgets or are new to advertising, let our designers give you the best opportunity to promote you.

Download our full Media Pack here.