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BII Call On The Chancellor To Extend Support To Pubs Following Member Survey Results

The BII have today sent a letter to Rishi Sunak, detailing the results of their member survey and the impact that Coronavirus has had on the livelihoods of licensees over the last 6 weeks.

As the leading professional membership body for individuals working in the licensed trade today, the survey reflects the voice of licensees up and down the country and highlights the need for continued and extended Government support for pubs.

The results gave a clear message for the BII to take to the Chancellor, with detail surrounding those still in need of financial help, as well as the concerns around reopening their businesses amidst continued social distancing.

Chief Executive, Steven Alton commented: “It is clear that whilst some of our members have been helped by the economic support measures Government has put in place, many others have not yet received that relief, and over 20% of our members with rateable values over £51k are not even eligible for the cash grants.

“The BII is continuing to support its members as individuals, however, it is also our role to ensure Government are made aware of the challenges that continue to face licensees as they try to keep their businesses alive.”