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Publicans Encouraged To Get Local People Involved In National #Billionseedchallenge

Together Coalition,, an organisation that brings individuals, community groups/organisations and businesses together to help build kinder, more connected communities, is calling on publicans to bring their customers together behind its new #BillionSeedChallenge, using the pub as a hub for planting initiatives in their local area.

Inspired by how much local people relied upon and benefitted from their local outdoor spaces for fresh air and nature during the pandemic lockdowns, the Together Coalition is encouraging organisations, including publicans, to come together through the #BillionSeedChallenge to help make their local area that bit better, keep community spirit alive and be part of planting a billion seeds across the country.

The #BillionSeedChallenge is taking place from now until Saturday, 30 October, when all eyes will be on the international climate conference in Glasgow, and when a national plant-along will take place. This is a great opportunity for publicans to join in and make a difference in their community. Participants are invited to pick any date up until then that works best for them and their fellow planters to host events.

Help brighten up local areas

Publicans are encouraged to get people in their local area involved by helping identify spots that need livening up with some natural colour and also helping with the planting to help brighten up local areas for years to come.

Ideas for publicans to get involved include hosting a planting event in an area of their pub’s garden, perhaps an activity that local children can get involved with, or connecting with a local gardening group or allotment society to assist with planting and helping to recruit volunteers. Publicans could look to invite #BillionSeedChallenge volunteers to the pub for a cuppa or a drink after the planting to celebrate all their hard work. More ideas and tips on how to get involved can be found in a guide available here: #BillionSeedChallenge – Together

Join Inn and plant seeds of positivity about your pub

Publicans might also want to consider sponsoring their community planting initiative or encourage other local businesses to sponsor the activity they are organising. The #BillionSeedChallenge has also teamed up with retailer Homebase, who are offering 50% off all their seeds from 24 September for the #BillionSeedChallenge. Find your nearest store here: Homebase Stores | Opening Times & Information | Homebase

Deborah Kemp, Pub is The Hub’s ambassador for loneliness, says: “Celebrating and protecting our environment is a subject that unites us all and bringing people together through a shared activity like this wonderful seed challenge is also a great way of connecting local people and helping spark new friendships to combat loneliness.”

Find out more about Pub is The Hub’s campaign to help publicans tackle loneliness in their local areas here: Join Inn – Last Orders for Loneliness – Pub is The Hub

Deborah adds: “Taking part is good for the environment, for local people and your pub too, as it can help generate positive PR for your business and attract new customers. Publicans could also consider making this a regular event, hosted throughout the seasons.”

Publicans like Glen Duckett at the Eagle & Child in Ramsbottom, Lancashire, use their pub’s garden to run projects which help connect people. Find out more about the pub’s amazing work here: Growing friendships – Pub is The Hub

Share involvement on social

Publicans that decide to take part in the #BillionSeedChallenge can share what they are up to on social media with the help of this link which includes social media logos: Billion Seeds Graphics – Together

Wild plant conservation charity Plantlife has also put together some top tips to help decide what, where and how to plant. Find out more here: Top Tips From Plantlife – TogetherFind more information on the #BillionSeedChallenge campaign here: Campaigns – Together