
Martin Traynor OBE FIH Appointed as Institute of Hospitality’s Non-Exec Director

The Institute of Hospitality is currently pursuing Chartered Status, and to help take this process forward has announced that Martin Traynor OBE FIH, the retiring Small Business Crown Representative at the UK Government’s Cabinet Office, has been appointed to the Institute’s Board of Trustees.

The appointment comes as a direct result of feedback from His Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council that the work of the Institute is not widely known across the Government and for our Chartered Status application, we need to increase our visibility as the hospitality industry’s largest global, organisation for professionals.

Confirming the appointment, the Institute’s CEO Robert Richardson FIH MI said: “One of the Institute of Hospitality’s strengths is the variety of experience on our board, and our newest trustee complements that breadth of knowledge with expertise from his many years working within the UK Government. I am delighted to welcome Martin as a trustee, and I look forward to working closely with him. The Institute will greatly benefit from drawing on his expertise from various senior roles within government and help the Institute in its ambition to become a chartered professional body.”

Martin stepped down from his key government role on 31 March 2024 after 5 years of tirelessly promoting the needs of small businesses within the UK government. He has previously been a Member of HM Government’s Regulatory Policy Committee and has held roles including Deputy Chairman of University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, one of the largest teaching hospitals in the UK, Group CEO at the Leicestershire Chamber of Commerce and a variety of non-executive roles.

His passion for the hospitality industry began many years ago and he brings to the board a wealth of knowledge, experience and passion for the hospitality sector, having held a number of General Manager positions in the hotel sector and is a highly respected Fellow of the Institute of Hospitality of 27 years standing.

Speaking about his new role as a Trustee at the Institute, Martin confirmed: “Having been a member for over 40 years, I am delighted to be able to play a part in helping the Institute achieve Chartered Status. This is an important next step for the Institute recognising over 85 years of providing professional support for its members. I look forward to working with Robert and the Team to achieve this important goal”

Welcoming Martin to his new role, the Institute’s Supervisory Board Chair, Kellie Rixon MBE FIH said: “Martin is a proven leader in hospitality, business and government, and I am delighted to welcome Martin to our board of trustees at such a crucial time for the Institute.

“Martin has been a great supporter of ours for many years, and his experience in government is vital to our strategic objectives as we move forward” she concluded.