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An open letter to the pub sector from the BII, BBPA and UKHospitality

The BII (British Institute of Innkeeping), BBPA (British Beer & Pub Association) and UKHospitality have sent a joint letter to their respective members, following their collaboration on a set of draft protocols for the safe reopening of pubs.

The draft was shared with BEIS (Department for Business, Energy and industrial Strategy) at the end of last week to feed into the Pubs and Restaurants taskforce – with Government ultimately publishing the final rules for how the sector reopens.

In a joint statement, the trade bodies emphasised that the protocols were still in the initial stages of consultation with Government.

“Working closely together as industry bodies we were keen to ensure that our members had an initial view of the potential requirements for reopening. We have developed the frameworks that will provide our members with an outline on how to safely reopen their venues as soon as they are able, however we would caution against making costly, significant changes to their businesses ahead of the final requirements from Government.”

Read the full letter at catererlicensee.com/industryletter