
Average Spend On Eating And Drinking Out Declines, As Hospitality Reopens

According to the latest Lumina Intelligence Eating & Drinking Out Panel monthly data, average spend on eating and drinking out fell in the four weeks ending (4WE) 18/04/21, but participation rose, as the hospitality sector partially reopened.

The data reveals average spend fell -12% to £8.30, as lower spend channels including retail & coffee shops gain share as commuters return to offices.

As venues reopened outside, the number of consumers eating and drinking out rose by three percentage points (pp) to 44%.

Drinks enjoyed the biggest bounce, up 5pp, while dinner occasions were down -5pp, as consumer made the most of warmer, daytime hours. This has driven a -2pp decline in channel share for restaurants. Instead, consumers are making the most of day time outdoor socialising which is reflected through coffee and sandwich shops increasing share by +3ppts.

Burgers were the most popular item, making up 25.3% of all eating out occasions.

Blonnie Whist, Insight Director at Lumina Intelligence said, “With hospitality businesses finally able to reopen their doors to consumers, we have seen a small boost in participation during this four week period. As restrictions begin to ease, we expect to see participation continue to grow, as well as average spend even out as dine-in operations resume and consumers return to their favourite bars, pubs and restaurant.”

Find out more about Lumina Intelligence’s Eating & Drinking Out Panel here.