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Better Cleaning Means Better Productivity For Hotel Managers

In some service industries, cleaning is a necessary byproduct of other activity. However, for hotel managers, it is part of what makes your front-of-house impression, from your foyer to your bar, restaurants and rooms. In any case, good hygiene takes time and resource to get right. But can better cleaning lead to better productivity?

The simple answer is yes – by investing time in creating better cleaning practices, and equipment, you can keep staff moving forward throughout the workday to reduce lost time. For example, Tork Xpress® Multifold hand towel refills are 50% compressed, enabling dispensers to hold twice as many towels to serve twice as many customers before requiring a refill. With a simple upgrade, you can save your staff time refilling and save valuable time for your end user. This improves the overall efficiency of the business to help you offer the best possible experience to guests. Additionally, by designing the hand towel dispensers to only provide one towel at a time, Tork is helping to reduce waste, so businesses get more from less and reduce environmental impact.

For hotel managers, maintaining a clean space for guests is pivotal, and can be the difference between a guest returning or not. Furthermore, with social media and public reviews becoming ever more commonplace, hygiene is a key factor in ensuring the hotel’s reputation is upheld.

For more information on our hygiene solutions, visit