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Taking the Fear From the EHO Inspection

Ask any food operation, and they’re likely to agree that an EHO inspection provokes feelings of anxiety and sleepless nights. But it shouldn’t – for establishments who audit carefully and have the right checks and processes in place, an inspection should be an opportunity to demonstrate their competence and secure that crucial 5 rating.

The Food Hygiene Rating Scheme (FHRS) relies on regular face to face meetings on the food premises which allows the EHO to see the facilities, ask questions and examine process, paperwork and general hygiene standards. Dependant on the evidence available during the inspection, the EHO will score the premises in three key areas and the rating will be awarded based on these scores.

Environmental health practitioners are a valuable source of information and advice and can help a food business shift their operation from good to great. The Safer Food Group have teamed up with a leading Environmental Health consultant to produce a comprehensive FREE training course to help food business managers assess their readiness for their inspection, available now from

The course details the three areas of an inspection and how it will be undertaken. Learners are supported by a comprehensive checklist that allows them to analyse their own operation’s performance in detail, including an action plan that supports them to make improvements as part of everyday business – ensuring that the business is well prepared and food safety is always front and centre, not just saved for inspection day.

‘How to secure a 5 rating’ uses a blend of video and written content to support the learner throughout their training. Businesses with SFG accounts can secure access to the free course for any employee with a learner account – adding even more value to our comprehensive food safety training portfolio.

View the course and the whole portfolio here: or call 0800 612 6784,
for more information.