
First Minister Sets Out Scotland’s Programme For Government 2024-25

First Minister John Swinney has announced his first Programme for Government which sets out the Scottish Government’s commitments for the coming year, and will focus it says on four key priorities: eradicating child poverty, growing the economy, tackling the climate emergency, and ensuring high quality and sustainable public services.

Mr Swinney said:
“My Cabinet and I have been clear about the financial limitations surrounding this Programme for Government. We have just announced several emergency spending controls and savings measures for 2024‑25. This Government has a record of strong financial management, having lived within the resources available to us for 17 years. These emergency measures are a product of continued austerity and due to no provision being made by the UK Government for the effect of sky‑high inflation – serving only to undermine our budget. The measures we have had to take have been deeply frustrating decisions, but they have also brought even greater focus to our four priorities – priorities I believe will have the most tangible impact for people living in Scotland.”

Responding, Leon Thompson, Executive Director of UKHospitality Scotland, said:
“The First Minister clearly recognised today the cumulative impact that new regulation is having on businesses, but there is nothing in the Programme for Government that explains what will be done to address this.

“The challenging effects of visitor levy legislation, the possible introduction of a 25p charge on single-use cups, and possible restrictions on food and drink promotion continue to loom over hospitality businesses.

“The Scottish Government needs to put the brakes on planned regulation to allow our businesses to reach their full potential. Without action, hospitality’s potential will be curtailed, and we won’t be able to help deliver the economic growth the First Minister wants to see.

“It was, however, positive to hear the First Minister talk about skills planning and, as a sector that can provide young people with fantastic careers, we look forward to working with the Scottish Government to make sure hospitality plays a key role in these plans.”