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“Get Out of My Pub” Labour Leader Faces Licensee’s Fury

Labour leader, Sir Keir Starmer, was thrown out of a pub in Bath following a confrontation with an angry landlord over lockdown restrictions.

Rod Humphris, who co-runs The Raven pub, said he was unhappy with Labour’s response to government lockdown measures.

Sir Keir was forced to leave the pub during a walkabout. He shouted “that man is not allowed in my pub” and “get out of my pub” as the Labour leader, who was wearing a black face mask, walked out of the door.

The incident, which saw Mr Humphris manhandled by security guards has been widely shared on social media.

Footage shows Sir Keir and Mr Humphris talking outside the pub before the confrontation, where the Labour leader appears to mention frontline NHS workers.

On why he asked Mr Starmer to leave, a frustrated Mr Humphris later said: “I had heard that the Labour Party were coming round and he turned up and I told him what I thought of him, basically.

“I think he has utterly failed us as the leader of the opposition. He has completely failed to ask the questions that needed asking, like, why did we throw away our previous pandemic preparedness?

“Why have we just accepted lockdown? Why have we just accepted the loss of all our freedoms?”

Mr Humphris, who said he does not agree with coronavirus lockdowns, said: “He walked into my pub without asking and I threw him out. Or at least, I did my best to throw him out, his security got in the way.”

Responding to the landlord’s comments about lockdown, the Labour leader said: “I’m afraid I profoundly disagree.” Adding: “I think the vast majority of people here in Bath and elsewhere have recognised that the lockdown was necessary, the restrictions were necessary and that we need to come slowly and carefully out of it so we never have to go back into lockdown.