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Hove Pub To Remain Open After Hosting Coronavirus Customer

A Hove pub which was visited by a person diagnosed with coronavirus says it is opening as usual.

The businessman, who is believed to have contracted the virus at a conference in Singapore, visited The Grenadier Pub in, Hove, after returning to the city but before he became unwell.

Public Health England contacted the pub but said that there was no need for it to close. Five staff are “self-isolating” as a precautionary measure.

Meanwhile, another person who came into contact with the man has become the fourth confirmed UK case.

Several staff members working at the pub on the night of the visit have been advised to “self-isolate” following the incident, however, a spokesperson for the pub said it would remain open after discussions with Public Health England.

He said: “As you may have seen in the news, we can confirm that we were informed by Public Health England that a member of the public confirmed to have contracted coronavirus visited The Grenadier prior to becoming unwell.

“We have followed the advice and have worked closely with Public Health England who have advised us that there is minimal ongoing risk of infection to either guests or staff, so please be reassured that the pub remains open for business as usual.

“If you would like more information, it’s best that you read the advice from the NHS and not contact the pub as our team have been asked to direct the public online to make sure everyone can see the latest advice.

“Thank-you to all guests for supporting all of the team at The Grenadier, (who are) responding to this situation and supporting the work of Public Health England.”