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Latest CAMRA Podcast Shines a Spotlight on Pub Games

The latest episode of the CAMRA podcast is shining a spotlight on pub games by speaking with two award winning writers – Emma Inch and Jane Peyton.

They examine the unique role of pub games in British pub history and how events such as a quiz night or skittles alley can help transform some of the quietest pub nights into a popular evening, bringing people together and breaking down social barriers.

Award-winning freelance writer, audio maker and podcast consultant Emma Inch created a video for CAMRA’s Learn & Discover platform which celebrates the variety of pub games here in the UK.

Emma said: “The draw of a great array of games can revitalise a pub’s quieter nights, whether that’s a selection of board games, a pub quiz or an old classic such as Toad in the Hole. I hope that more pubs will take up the opportunity to bring in a new crowd, recruit some new regulars, and have some fun!”

Jane Peyton is an award-winning writer, public speaker and drinks expert who founded the School of Booze and the annual Cheers to Beers on Beer Day Britain. She has used her extensive experience in the world of drinks to run a pub quiz.
Jane said: “After two years of distance and virtual socialising, pub-goers are craving the opportunity to come together and create new communities. Pub games can be the perfect excuse to make new friends, and new rivals!”

The podcast was hosted by the Calderdale and Halifax CAMRA branch, which is preparing for the Calderdale Beer & Cider Festival taking place from 22-24 September.

The festival features 61 beers with 19 served from wooden casks showcasing some of the rarest beers in the UK -– many of which are exclusives. In total 44 breweries are represented including new breweries and there are commissioned ales and beers in unusual styles.

Festival organiser John Hartley said:
“The Calderdale Beer and Cider Festival serves some of the rarest beers in the UK and there are some that customers will never get the chance to taste if they don’t visit us.

“The ABVs of the beers in wood range from 4.5% – 10.9% with a number of new beers on show – many of which are appearing in wood for the first time ever, others are rare or limited edition ranging from Belgian IPA, a brown ale, a bitter, two old ales, a mild, a barley wine, a pale ale and varying types of specialised stouts and porters. All the beers have been matured in the wood, some for a considerable amount of time.

“The Calderdale Beer & Cider Festival caters for everyone no matter what their tastes and preferences might be.”