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Pedalling 2 Pubs UK Edition 2023 – Pedalling, Pints, Pubs And People

Following the incredible success of the intrepid Pedalling for Pubs riders, who raised over £315k for industry charities, Only a Pavement Away and the Licensed Trade Charity by cycling across Sri Lanka last month, 50 UK riders are now on a mission to boost the total fundraising by another £50k!

The inaugural Pedalling 2 Pubs UK Edition will set off this summer, with 50 hospitality professionals cycling 240km across the idyllic Yorkshire Wolds countryside between the 9th -11th June 2023.

Led by ride organiser Steve Alton, CEO at the British Institute of Innkeeping (BII), this impressive challenge will help the hospitality sector towards the revised goal of £400k, after the Sri Lankan crew smashed through the original £300k goal.

Commenting on the upcoming challenge, Steve Alton said
“After taking part in last year’s inaugural Pedalling for Pubs ride across Jordan, I realised the only thing that was missing from such a fantastic fundraising initiative, was the opportunity to visit some great British pubs!”

“Thus, Pedalling 2 Pubs was born. It is a testament to the work undertaken by founder Katy Moses and the organisers of the flagship ride, that there is already so much excitement around the UK edition. We have already raised over £32k but we want to turn that into £50k by the time we ride into our last Yorkshire village.”

The riders will be stopping along the way to visit a host of great British pubs to keep them focussed as they tackle the hills and dales on their bikes.

Supporters and partners for the ride include Punch Pubs, who will be fuelling the fundraisers on the Thursday night before they set off at the Cornerhouse in Beverley as well as hosting the team at The Buck Inn after their first day’s riding, where they will be cheered on by Minister Kevin Hollinrake in his local constituency. Marstons are also providing some welcome respite on the final evening, welcoming the weary riders to The Ship Inn at Bridlington with some much-needed refreshment.

Local brewers Theakston and low alcohol beer brand Lucky Saint will be ensuring the team are kept well hydrated. Lucky Saint alongside hospitality technology providers Zonal have also provided the riders with branded cycling jerseys and hoodies to highlight the cause they are championing to everyone who sees them on their three-day journey.