
Pragmatic Migration Plans Needed To Reflect Business Need

With migration plans being announced by political parties this week, UKHospitality has stressed the need for an employment plan to meet the needs of the economy.

Kate Nicholls, Chief Executive of UKHospitality, said:
“With more than three-quarters of hospitality’s workforce recruited from within the UK, our commitment to recruiting, training and developing our own is unwavering.

“While we recognise the need to control migration, this debate cannot be arbitrary and divorced from economic reality.

“There needs to be a serious debate about a pragmatic and stable employment plan that balances investment in skills and training, including reform of the apprenticeship levy, with sensible access to work visas.

“Additional reform of the Migration Advisory Committee to provide a link between skills development and industrial strategy would also be positive in meeting the labour needs of hospitality businesses and the wider economy.”