Steve Gleeson from The Hideout in Bath has been crowned the 2024 UK winner of the Giffard West Cup at a thrilling final held at Dear Darling nightclub and bar.

Now in its 27th year, the Giffard West Cup is a celebration of the bartending and mixology talent that exists across the UK and the world. Steve beat five exceptional regional finalists to be crowned 2024’s winner and will now compete in the International final against competitors from across the world in France this summer.

This year’s theme was ‘the art of balance’ which lies at the heart of Giffard’s philosophy and entrants were asked to showcase in their cocktail creation their unique interpretation of how they find balance, between work, family and social lives. Each entrant was required to incorporate Giffard’s premium range of liqueurs and syrups to craft their signature cocktail.

Steve Gleeson’s winning cocktail, Môr, translated as ‘sea’ in Welsh, celebrates the ‘unions of opposites and dualities’ in order to achieve balance in everyday life. Inspired by his favourite piece of music to relax to, Môr demonstrates how the sea can be a place of turbulence as well as tranquility. These moments of duality can create balance and beauty in Steve’s life. Steve’s cocktail showcases Giffard’s Fleur de Sureau Sauvage, Ardbeg10 and Bergamot and Rooibos tea.

As well as creating their own ‘art of balance’ cocktails, finalists were asked to create a low or no cocktail on the spot, given only the ingredients provided in their ‘Mystery Box’. Each finalist was given twenty minutes to create a cocktail of their choice, using the ingredients in front of them and a selection of glassware.

Steve Gleeson: ‘I have really loved this competition, not just because of the exceptionally high caliber of bartending, but because it has enabled each and every one of us to truly showcase our unique personalities and passion through our cocktails. This competition has allowed us, as contestants, to personally get to know one another and make great connections with fellow bartenders and the Giffard team. Giffard has created such a personable and enjoyable competition, which I have loved being a part of.’

Camille Vidal, Founder of La Maison Wellness and Mindful Cocktails, was one of the esteemed judges of the Final. Camille says, the competition was not just about seeking great bartending talent from around the UK, but to find a winner whose ‘real authentic story’ could come alive in their drink… ‘someone with a real connection and passion to the why behind their cocktail’. Steve did exactly that, and ‘created a whole new dimension to the drink’.