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Yorkshire Water Helping Pubs Prepare For Reopening

Yorkshire Water is working alongside the region’s pubs and hospitality sector to prepare for reopening as lockdown rules begin to ease.

The water company is enabling landlords to dispose of waste free of charge. It has also launched a dedicated email address – – for landlords and pub owners to arrange for legal disposal.

Dan Rowe, trade effluent manager at Yorkshire Water, said: “Pubs in our region are working hard on plans to reopen as soon as it is safe to do so. Unfortunately, for many, that means disposing of stock they are now unable to sell.

“It is important landlords with surplus stock contact Yorkshire Water before discharging it into the sewer system so we can manage the impact the disposal has on our network and treatment works. Our primary concern is protecting the environment and it is important we understand when and where stock will be discharged to prevent any possible impact on local environments.

“We have around 4,500 pubs in our region and we’ve currently heard from just over a third to arrange for the safe disposal of products. We are working hard to provide them with details on how to dispose of stock safely.”

Landlords looking to arrange disposal of stock should contact Yorkshire Water at