CGA by NIQ’s latest Daily Drinks Tracker reveals the worst weekly measurement year-to-date thanks to the wettest July on record.

The tracker, formerly the Drinks Recovery Tracker, shows that average sales in managed venues across the seven days to Saturday (5 August) were down -6% on the same week in August 2022. This drop was exacerbated by three days of double-digit declines, with only two days managing to achieve marginal growth. The results were not helped by strong comparatives last year, where temperatures were seen consistently in the late 20s.

It’s clear that Sunday bore the brunt of the poor weather, with sales dropping -16% compared to last year. Rain across much of the country disrupted plans, and Monday didn’t fare much better (down 10%). Tuesday experienced a slight uptick in growth (up 0.8%), but Wednesday’s figures dropped once again (down 3%). Thursday saw a slight growth (up 0.5%), before Friday sales dipped (down 3%), further adding to the week’s challenges. The week finished with Saturday’s sales down by 4%.

The Daily Drinks Tracker’s breakdown of sales by category shows that cider emerged as a barometer of overall performance, experiencing a -15% decline in sales, although the category had poorer weeks in July. Spirits witnessed a drop of -11%, while soft drinks dropped -7% and beer category also saw a drop into negative territory, with sales down by -4%. Wine managed to hold onto growth with a +1% increase in sales.

“As the On Premise reflects on a dampened week marked by disappointing weather and declining sales, operators and suppliers are undoubtedly pinning their hopes on August to bring a resurgence of summer and positive performances,” says Jonathan Jones, CGA’s managing director, UK and Ireland. “The unpredictability of weather patterns highlights the significance for businesses to adeptly manage these challenges and tailor strategies to ensure resilience and growth in the On Premise.”