Editor's ViewpointHospitalityHospitality WorkersStaff

Editor’s Viewpoint: Government Must Listen or Face the Consequences

By Peter Adams, Editor, CLH News.

It would appear that much of my editor’s columns in recent weeks are taken up with “government bashing” in the lead-up to the hikes in rates, wages, and National Insurance contributions this April.

To be fair, that is the topic of much of the content I receive, and as for timing—well, better to let the government know what we think now before the increases come in, as opposed to afterwards when we are stuck with them.

The warnings are stark and impossible to ignore: job losses, closures, reduced investment, and economic stagnation. These are not hypothetical scenarios—they are real, tangible predictions from industry leaders who understand the devastating impact these changes will have on businesses across the hospitality and licensed on-trade sector. And this sector is not alone.

Here at RBC Publishing, we also publish a title for the residential & nursing care sector, The Carer, and on Tuesday this week, the adult social care sector held a massive protest outside of Parliament.

Since I also work on that title, I went along to add my voice to the many thousands of care workers, providers, and organisations who made their voices heard.

All the major news channels were there, and the protest drew national coverage. It was loud, vibrant, and passionate.

At the same time, farmers were there protesting too, also making their voices heard—both industries predicting the same dire consequences if these ludicrous and unsustainable rises take effect.

It was quite a humbling moment. I spoke to many care workers and care leaders, and their message was clear—just like the message on page one of this issue: business cannot afford these increases.

They will lead to cuts, closures, less revenue raised, and more benefits paid out. Where is the sense in that?

When multiple sectors, from hospitality to social care to agriculture, are warning the government in unison that these policies will cause irreparable harm, it’s time for those in power to listen. If they don’t, the consequences will be on their hands—not ours.

On a Lighter Note: Let’s Celebrate British Pie Week!

Amidst all the doom and gloom, let’s take a moment to celebrate something we can all agree on—our love for pies! Next week marks British Pie Week, and if there’s one thing we Brits excel at, it’s turning humble ingredients into an absolute culinary masterpiece.

The pie is our unique contribution to international cuisine, and we have developed this delicacy more than any other nation, giving us the range and styles of pies we know and love today.

So let’s celebrate! We’d love to see your best pie photos and recipes—send them to edit@catererlicensee.com or tag us on social media. And to make it interesting, the best entry will win a bottle of Scotch! How’s that for an incentive?

Let’s keep fighting for our industries while remembering to enjoy the things that make British hospitality great. Cheers!

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I can always be contacted at edit@catererlicensee.com