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Top Accolade For Hampshire Police Alcohol Licensing Officer

Hampshire Police Alcohol Licensing Officer Colin Pollard has been rewarded with the top accolade of a National Pubwatch Malcolm Eidmans award.

The award recognises the outstanding contribution made by a police officer or member of police staff in supporting Pubwatch.

Colin has been presented with the award for his work in supporting the Portsmouth Pubwatch scheme in its efforts improve partnership working and to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.
He has previously worked as a Designated Premises Supervisor and owner operator running vibrant licensed venues in the night-time economy.

He attended his first Pubwatch in 1998 and recognises the important role they have in making the late-night economy a safer place. He has been a Police Alcohol Licensing Officer with Hampshire Police since 2017.

He was rewarded for his efforts to work in partnership with Portsmouth licensees in the City Centre to establish a new Pubwatch scheme which was inclusive and run for the benefit of the members and their community.

The re-invigorated scheme has seen an upsurge in membership with over 50 venues now participating and with well attended meetings which are receiving support from other stakeholders.
He has used his role to help highlight the schemes profile with the wider public as well as introducing numerous local initiatives to improve safety in the night-time economy.

He has also used his excellent relationship with the trade to work in partnership with them on national police operations such as Operation Sceptre, helping to reduce the risk of knife crime.

Colin said: “I was overjoyed to receive a phone call to tell me I had won the Malcolm Eidmans Award. I understand Pubwatch and I have known of the benefits for some time.”

He added: “There are two new Pubwatches about to launch in the Portsmouth area with the whole idea to ensure that all pubs have access to them and they operate under the guidelines put forward by National Pubwatch.”

National Pubwatch chair Steve Baker, OBE, said: “Colin is in a unique position having worked as both an operator and a police licensing officer to understand the benefits of pubwatches. He has spearheaded partnership working between the police and licensed trade which has helped to make Portsmouth a safer place for people to enjoy the late-night economy. It is a privilege to recognise all Colin’s hard work.”