It was certainly a real nail biter in the final minutes of England’s quarter final game against Switzerland on Saturday 6th July 2024.

Ending up in an all-important penalty shoot-out after extra time had been exhausted, England’s ultimate success brought genuine elation to the country and to the On Trade in particular, as sales of Draught Beer and Cider soared an amazing +37.5% vs. the same Saturday in 2023 and an impressive +30% compared to an average Saturday so far in 2024.

England fans sank an incredible 18.6 million pints as they watch England vs. Switzerland in packed pubs around the country – an additional 7.2m pints vs. the last round game against Slovakia.

The average pub served 491 pints of draught beer and cider generating an extra revenue of £636 per pub and an extra 134 pints served compared to 2023, with every single draught category growing vs. 2023.

The biggest winner by far was Stout which was up by an astonishing +84%, whilst Fruit Cider followed closely behind with an uplift of +58.3%, World Lager up +44.4% and World 4% up +43.8% – all big increases. Although Core Lager, Craft and Apple Cider under indexed versus the phenomenal overall draught category performance, they were still ahead of 2023.

Overall, footfall grew an impressive +4.7% for the whole week but Saturday was the key day with growth of +6.8% vs. 2023.

All locations benefitted from an increase in footfall, driven by Suburban outlets where footfall grew a whopping +9.7% on Saturday. City Centres also benefitted +5.8% and LinkedIn was flooded with posts from operators sharing videos and images of packed pubs. Rural areas also saw a rise as fans came out to watch England in their droves.

Overall, dwell time grew +9.8% on Saturday, driven by Suburban locations up +15.7% and Rural Outlets up +13.1% as average overall dwell time grew to 140 minutes per occasion. City Centres benefitted the least BUT still saw a +4.1% increase in dwell time per occasion.

All eyes now turn to Wednesday evening at 8pm for the semifinals where England take on the Netherlands.

Alison Jordan, CEO of Oxford Partnership, comments:
“What a result – for the team and the On Trade! Our data has shown us time and time again the huge uplift in sales the further the home team goes, so we are incredibly hopeful this England team can take it all the way to the final – what a boost that would be to the On Trade!”