
Jamie Delap Of Fyne Ales Named ‘Brewer Of The Year 2024’ By The All-Party Parliamentary Beer Group

Photo caption:”Jamie Delap presented with ‘Brewer of the Year’ by Alun Cairns MP, Chair of the Parliamentary Beer Group”

The UK’s biggest All-Party Parliamentary Group have named Jamie Delap of Fyne Ales as the 2024 Brewer of the Year at their annual awards dinner.

The All-Party Parliamentary Beer Group (APPBG) named Delap as the winner not only for Fyne Ales’ brewing achievements, but for Jamie’s voluntary work on the Scottish Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) – lobbying for changes which led to the scheme’s postponement, which will now give more time to work on a much-needed UK-wide solution.

Andy Slee, Chief Executive of the Society of Independent Brewers and Associates, of which Jamie Delap is a Scottish Director, attended the awards and had this to say in praise of Delap;

“Jamie’s tireless and entirely voluntary work on behalf of Scottish brewers in fighting for necessary changes to the proposed Deposit Return Scheme has led to it being delayed to come in line with other similar schemes across the UK.

It’s a real victory for the sector, as in its previous form the scheme would have imposed huge bureaucracy and cost on all brewing and pub operators in Scotland. Without Jamie’s work in this area all Scottish brewers would now be worse off and it is for this – in combination with the superb industry-leading beers being produced by Fyne Ales – he has deservedly been named the All-Party Parliamentary Beer Group’s Brewer of the Year 2024.”