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Storms And Cautious Spending Reshape UK’s Eating And Drinking Out

The latest data from Lumina Intelligence’s Lumina Intelligence’s Eating and Drinking Out Panel highlights the impact of poor weather conditions and cautious consumer sentiment on the UK’s out-of-home (OOH) market.

In February 2025, penetration growth slowed notably to just +0.3ppts, with 57.5% of UK adults participating in an out-of-home occasion during the period. While overall penetration growth stagnated, engaged consumers displayed resilience by increasing their visit frequency by +5.8%, averaging 1.5 occasions per week.

However, consumers demonstrated caution, limiting on-the-go visits and higher-ticket social occasions in response to economic pressures and inclement weather.

Consumer spending habits reflected the broader economic and environmental challenges. With fewer high-ticket, longer dwell-time occasions such as lunch and dinner in restaurants, the market saw a shift towards more accessible drink-led occasions. Pubs and bars capitalised on this trend, increasing their share by +1.8 percentage points, while drink-led occasions grew by +2.7 percentage points. This shift contributed to a reduction in average spend per head year-on-year.

Quick service restaurants (QSR) and pubs were key drivers in shaping the UK’s food consumption trends. Burgers (+2.1 percentage points), pizza (+0.9 percentage points), and sandwiches (+1.3 percentage points) all increased their share of occasions, fuelled by the continued popularity of these formats within QSR and pub settings. In response, operators have been focusing on enhancing classic menu items, with premium burger and sandwich offerings emerging as a strategic focus to meet consumer demand for higher-quality propositions.

As the UK’s OOH market continues to navigate external pressures, operators are adapting by refining their offerings to align with evolving consumer preferences. With drink-led occasions on the rise and demand for elevated classics gaining momentum, the industry remains agile in responding to changing market conditions.