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Updated Industry Guidance Issued for Food Allergen Information in the Out-Of-Home Sector

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has issued best practice industry guidance on providing allergen information to consumers with food hypersensitivities, encouraging information on food allergens to be available in writing in the out of home sector, for example restaurants, cafes, delis, market stalls and takeaways. The guidance says that written allergen information should always be available, supported by dialogue between servers and customers about their allergen requirements.

The guidance aims to support food businesses when providing information on the 14 food allergens to their customers, whilst helping to keep consumers safe. It applies to food businesses providing non-prepacked or ‘loose’ food in person or via online sales. 

It follows a consultation on the guidance, as well as FSA research and engagement with consumers and food businesses to better understand how food businesses could improve written information for consumers with food hypersensitivities.   

Katie Pettifer, Chief Executive, Food Standards Agency said: ‘We are still encouraging consumers to tell food business staff about any food allergies or intolerances, but we are now setting an expectation that businesses should provide written allergen information and encourage a conversation with their customers. This easy-to-use guidance will help businesses, like cafes and restaurants, provide allergen information in a more consistent and helpful way for people with food hypersensitivities.  

‘By following the guidance, businesses can promote consumer confidence in their food businesses by ensuring consumers can understand the allergen information and ensure they don’t feel excluded from experiencing our vibrant food culture.’ 

Kate Nicholls, Chief Executive of UKHospitality, said: “Allergen management remains one of the biggest priorities for hospitality businesses.”

“As a sector we go to great lengths to ensure our teams are trained and information is available to ensure that every customer with an allergy feels comfortable and safe eating out.”

“Flexibility is critical to that, as is a common sense approach to implementing the guidance. Businesses will already have written allergen information available, but some may prefer a digital format, for example, and those decisions are best made by venues who know what will work for them.”

“I’m pleased the FSA has reflected that in its guidance, as well as recognising the importance of a conversation between hospitality staff and the customer. Being able to manage allergens safely in a way that works for each business is absolutely essential and was one of the key pillars of our engagement in this process.”